Sunday, November 2, 2008

Digital Storytelling

Technology seems to be getting more and more advanced in society today. Many changes have come with these new advances in technology. For instance, schools are replacing old-fashioned chalkboards with electronic smart-boards.

One new crazes in classroom technology is digital storytelling. Digital storytelling uses a combination of music, pictures, and video that create a multimedia story. Instead of students reading from a piece of paper or a book students are making stories come to life. Now students can make their own personal narratives visual for their classmates. For example, if a student goes on vacation that person can tell about it by creating a visual story. They can upload pictures from the vacation and put music in the background.

Digital storytelling can be used in many classes. Science, art, music, and history classes could all benefit from digital storytelling. For instance, students could make a traditional science report more interesting by adding in pictures, sound, and video clips.

There many benefits of students creating digital stories. When students create a digital story they are not just writing down their thoughts on a piece of paper, they are being able to express their creativity and visualizing their thoughts. Also, students are enhancing their thinking and computer skills.

After researching this topic I would like to know opinions of the following questions:
Is digital storytelling an effective way of educating children?
Does it enhance or destroy traditional storytelling?
Should it be used only for certain subjects?

Citation of sources:
"The Art of Digital Storytelling"(article) from Creative Educator Magazine


Katie said...

I think that digital storytelling is an interesting way of going about relaying a story to students in the classroom. I don't know how much I would use it in a classroom. I think it would be a fun thing to do every once in awhile in a Reading or English class, but I don't think it is necessarily something I would use in all areas of curriculum.

Nikki Rodrigo said...

I agree with Katie, I think she makes a great point. Yes its a great idea and think would get the children very involved in the classroom but at the same time I would not use it all the time. It would not be useful for math or science.I just dont know how much I would actually use it.

Emilee said...

I agree with you both. I think that it would be a fun and interesting way to go about things, but would be difficult to use in all subjects. Everyone learns in different ways and through digital storytelling, children are given an alternative to the standard paper and pencil response!

Nikki Rodrigo said...

I honestly believe that it would not destroy the child's learning. I believe that it would enhance it actually. One of the hardest things when being a teacher is getting the students involved and to enjoy the learning so what better way then technology. I think overall it would be a great asset.

Kenny said...

I think digital story telling could be used in all areas. I recently went on a field experience and saw the students creating a project on the Springfield zoo. I think it would be possible to use it to teach science.

Megan P said...

I think that digital storytelling is a good idea. It will get students more motivated to explain what they have done because they were able to create it on their own. Also I think there is a way for it to be used in every subject but some subjects will use it more such as reading and english. I don't think I would use this all the time in my class but I would use it once in a while just to change things up.

Emilee said...

I actually just got done watching a segment on the news about digital storytelling and they said that it could be used in all subject areas in the classroom. More and more teachers are beginning to incorporate this into their classroom and so far it has been very successful! I hope that digita storytelling keeps a positive success rate so when I become a teacher I can use it in my classroom.

Kenny said...

I agree with Megan i would probably use digital storytelling as a change of pace rather than something all the time

Gina Mugavero said...

Good insights so far...
Do you think that if digital storytelling is used too much in classes, like English, that it will take away from old fashioned pen and paper stories?

Megan P said...

I don't think it will be used to much because it is something that I will use for just a change of pace. It could take away from the pen and paper stuff but not if you don't use it all the time.

Nikki Rodrigo said...

I believe that it would be a great change of pace for the students. I think variety in the classroom is essential for the students because boredom is the biggest problem we face with our students. Anything different will help our students excel.

Melissa D. said...

I think that this is a very creative way to use technology in certain lessons. It should not be used for every subject and every lesson, but could be a great way to implement technology into the classroom and the children are able to personalize their projects more.

Kenny said...

I don't think digital story telling would take away from the old pen and paper story telling that takes place in an English class. I actually think that using tech would enhance a student's ability to create a story.

Megan P said...

I also think that this is a way to help students who have disabilities express themselves. It makes it more personable and easier for a child to explain to a class because they made it.

Katie said...

I agree with what Megan P. had to say about straying away from the pen and paper stuff. I do feel that technology is very important and should always be kept as a vital component in the classroom, but sticking to some basic pen and paper story writing never hurt anyone.

Katie said...

As far as what Kenny had to say regarding Megan's comment (not to say that he is saying or implying this, but it made me think of this argument)--I think that as much as technology is important, other forms of communication are important in the classroom as well. I know that personally, I have come to rely TOO much on technology to solve all my problems and to get my work done because I am too lazy to hand write a paper or story. I think that technology becomes the easy way out. By using digital story telling every ONCE in awhile and still incorporating basic writing skills-- the children will benefit the most. There are some old school ways/ideas that are still good to use in the classroom, in my opinion.

Melissa D. said...

If you do use technology to create digital stories make sure that you are having them use proper grammar. Today, more and more children are using shortened language like we learned in our netiquette podcast.